Friday, July 18, 2008
11:01 AM
The unadulterated version of Another Brick on the Wall, a Pink Floyd cover by Ubermench (now known as The House of Anonymous) featuring Wesley Choo and Bernie Chia (E.P.I.C.).
I remembered back in 1997, a lecturer of mine gave a comment to the class about the MTV culture:
"The eyes are the windows to the soul. Music soothes the savage beast. MTV combines these two philosophies as a package for the senses".
It is with this philosophical culture that we created what we created: Tzang serves his pallette of artistry through his stories, told through the visual/verbal canvas that is his films. As the music producer of INRI Studio, I support his art through my own form of expression: music. You can see (or in this case, hear) my contributions in the two films of INRI Studio, in which I was the executive music producer for both films.
Apart from that, I founded and spearheads my own personal musical/artistic front: The House of anonymous, which gave me a chance to express myself through my art, and the opportunity to work with some of the most talented individuals in the local music scene.
But as with any story, there is always the humble beginning.
It was at a time when we were neck deep in the editing for e' Tzaintes. It was also the time that I had only started dabbling into audio editing, prior to shooting the film, so my knowledge and skills with music was amateur at best. It was then that Tzang introduced me the song that sets the direction to the music of e' Tzaintes: Pink Floyd's Another Brick in the Wall.
The ambient-like instrumental soundscape, as well as the lyrical words of rebel energy, and the massive chant of children singing, "We don't need no education" truly captured the essence of what we wanted Tzaintes to be. I was inspired. I started working on something, mucking about through trial and error, using softwares that are freely available over the net. I didn't quite know what to make of it at first (again, I had never actually produced an actual musical track before), but I knew at the back of my mind I had one purpose: to make a cover of this, or perhaps pull of something similar.

Through that trial and error method, I managed to create a synth based loop, and started building up layers from there, adding synth drum tracks to the synth loop and laying a rough vocal recording on top of it. But it still had missing ingredients in it, so Tzang introduced me to Wesley Teo, former bassist for the band Optical Brothers/current E.P.I.C.
Fast forward a weeks later, and Wesley and I were laying down the bass and guitar tracks for our Pink Floyd cover. We also enlisted the help of Optical Brothers/E.P.I.C's lead guitarist, Bernie, for all the driven guitar and lead guitar works. After which I had the separate tracks remixed again, which saw the finished production of our cover of Pink Floyd's Another Brick in the Wall (Part 2).
It was never put into the actual film, of course, because of copyrights, but it did set off a momentum for the next two tracks that will become the first original tracks by INRI studio: Catastrophe and Streaks.
What made this track an important part of the whole scheme of things was that it is produced in the same vibe as e'Tzaintes (as how Catastrophe and Streaks was done): without technical knowledge, without experience, without budget, but with a whole lot of spirit.
And today... INRI Studio is sharing this experience with you.
We have decided to have an online release the three tracks of e'Tzaintes to commemorate the upcoming double-screening on August 16 at Sinema Old School. These tracks will be release one by one, over the period leading up to the screening. We decided not to clean up the mixing for the tracks, because that would only destroy the character that makes these tracks special to us, so we are presenting them to you in their unadulterated form.
For those who have been there since day one, this is our way to thank you for your support.
For those who just knew about us, welcome to the madness and magic that is INRI.
Yours truly,
Co-founder, music and audio experimentalist
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Another Brick in the Wall,
e' Tzaintes music
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