The Weeping Song by Nick Cave
The Weeping Song by Nick Cave

This is your last chance to experience the wicked... if you haven't already watched it... Life is short. Don't hesistate and regret later. If you wanna watch it again on the big screen... just follow your heart and do it. Invite your friends to join you. Let's make this last night a memorable one.
[e'TZAINTES] + A WICKED TALE - The 'Before It Disappears' Screening

Music is to me one of the most important factors of filmmaking and it is so important to work with somebody who understands the story inside out. For it is with music that the undertones are delivered, filling up parts that visuals, colour, words and movement cannot express.
It is hard to believe that the music for e'TZAINTES and A WICKED TALE is done by the same person, just like it's hard to believe that e'TZAINTES and A WICKED TALE is written by the same writer too. They are two very different films that require different types of musical style. For e'TZAINTES, to be loud, imposing and majestic to celebrate the decadence of youth. For A WICKED TALE, to be almost invisible, atmospheric, to create a sense of tension and psychological manipulation, that is in appropriate for the fairytale.

A lot of research has been put into our work. From cinematography to props, acting style to set design, art direction and makeup, storytelling style and music. No one aspect is less important than the other. We know we do not have a big budget for our work. We were amateurs when we first started. But that does not stop us from investing time, energy, spirit and dedication. That's passion I guess. The edge that allows us to do what we do in spite of all the odds that stand in our way. And it is infectious! (Tzang M)

For those of you interested to DOWNLOAD the two songs in the e'TZAINTES EP composed by Armen, log on to and click on the download button.
1) CATASTROPHE by Ubermensch featuring Wesley Choo
2) STREAKS by Ubermensch featuring Wesley Choo

The reason why the screening happened - WE REFUSE TO BELIEVE that 'Singapore audience are not ready for films like e'Tzaintes & Wicked. WE REFUSE TO BELIEVE THAT SINGAPORE AUDIENCES ARE ONE AND THE SAME, who prefer to watch films about heartland angst set in coffeeshops and shophouses featuring ahbengs and ahlians, uncles and aunties. THERE EXISTS A DIFFERENT TYPE OF SINGAPORE AUDIENCE - people who believe in the power of expression, people who believe in the importance to breakout of the mould that we've created for ourselves, people who are sick and tired of the same old shit, people who desire for something new.

A big thank you to all the people who showed up at the premiere of e'TZAINTES + A WICKED TALE. Please continue to spread the word of the wicked. We need your support to continue doing what we do. Never say die. Rock N' Roll!
A WICKED TALE Writer/ Director Tzang Merwyn Tong,
with Co-producer Selvam Dass and
Producer (Music) Armen Rizal Rahman

with director Tzang Merwyn Tong & Lisa Twang.
They came for two nights. Lolitas who brought their dolls to the screening.
Doll's who're fans of the movie.
The T-shirt Crew. Renegade warriors led by Tzaintes Actor Toilet Duck.
A Doll owner posed his doll with the Wicked Flyer.
A picture within a picture within a picture.

Somebody who brought with him a sexy eight legged friend to the screening.
Our after-party @ Home Club.
Our friend, Ming on the decks at Home Club.
They came, they saw, they terrorised.
Johnny Shameless & his Minions @ the TZAINTES NOT DEAD Party
Bringing scum rock back to the people. Wankers Lamers Losers, aren't we all?

No, I am not talking about [e'Tzaintes] (though, by now, you should already know that those words apply too) I am talking about JOHNNY SHAMELESS AND HIS FUCKING MINIONS! (Armen)

Kindred Scum
by Tzang M.
I'm too inspired not to write about it. So I thought I'll just hijack this entry and add on. What is it that makes Johnny Shameless & His Minions so different? They are shameless. Unafraid to go out there and whip their shit out and see what comes out of it. Unafraid to play the fool, take a piss at the world and see what people makes out of it. I especially like the reaction of the crowd. Even by Home Club standards, Johnny Shameless and his Minions are … how should I say this… ‘deviant’ perhaps. It’s easy to call them poseurs … they stand out like a rude exposed erection - a trait perfect for our wankers, lamers, losers campaign. The music is loud, dirty and furious - infectious enough to get their heads knocking, blood throbbing and nerves rattling… but yet, we have a crowd full of people waiting for each other to do the first thing. Their stage presence is there, the shit is there, but with antics too out of sync from the Singapore comfort zone, people falter. There is apprehension. Nobody wants to be the first to mosh. There is awkwardness. And this is power. This is Rock N’ Roll! Not rock n’ roll the way Christian rock bands are performing for their friends in church. Not rock n’ roll in the way multi-platinum artists are performing at high profile rock festivals, but rock n’ roll in the way Iggy Pop is, Jimmy Hendrix is, and the Beatles are, when they were little rock-lings still trying to be accepted by the world. We’re not sucking up here. We truly enjoyed ourselves. And we’re honored to have shared the stage and night with scums whom we hardly know (but are just like us, in spirit), even for a few minutes, on a night we will all remember as 'TZAINTES NOT DEAD'. (Tzang M.)
You've seen the films. Now make a stand. Which do you prefer?
Please comment on our tagboard.

The wait is over. The lines are open. Wickedness officially begins this Saturday! $6 for both [e'TZAINTES] + A WICKED TALE.
For wicked phone bookings, call: 6336 9707
For online bookings, email:
Tickets also available from the box office at Sinema Old School. (Book early to avoid disappointment. Don't say we didn't warn ya.)
Have you seen the trailer for A WICKED TALE?
It's now up on
Saturday 16 Aug: 7.45pm (Opening Night)
Saturday 16 Aug: 9.15pm (Opening Night)
Sunday 17th Aug: 7pm
Friday 22nd Aug:7pm
Saturday 23rd: 7.45pm
Sunday 24th Aug: 2.30pm
Friday 29th Aug: 9pm
Saturday 30th Aug : 4.15pm
Sunday 31st Aug: 6pm

$25. Available in men's cut and ladies' cut. Small, medium and large sizes. To pre-order, email T-shirts can be collected on screening days @Sinema Old School. Delivery can also be arranged. Email if you have enquiries.

Limited Edition
Small, medium and large sizes.
To pre-order, email

feat. Wesley Choo of E.P.I.C
Music and lyrics by Armen Rizal Rahman
Suddenly, it seemed that you're the victim,
But I don't mind.
Found that eyes are wide, when we are just
Doing fine.
Hearing whispers on the train, on the bus,
And on the street.
Telling me I'm criminal when love is all
That I speak.
So they made you popular
So they made you perfect
Streaks of numbness; heal me, I implore you
Streaks of numbness brings me down again
Streaks of numbness; heal me, I implore you
Streaks so volatile erupts within me
Hear my laughter, see my tears.
Feel me liqour, glazened eyes.
High on you, high on I, and high in every
Cigarette light (or is it 'lies'?)
Feel the capture, feel the pain. And the rapture
In my veins.
Let the day be leading you, cos when its over
It's the same.
(A fuckin' shame.)
So they made you popular
So they made you perfect
So they made you popular
So they made me wretched
Bless be
Tell me
Streaks of numbness; heal me, I implore you
Streaks of numbness holds me down again
Streaks of numbness; heal me, I implore you
Streaks of numbness makes me blind again
Whatcha lookin at?
Whatcha lookin at?
INRI studio's original tracks for e' Tzaintes, "Catastrophe" and "Streaks", was done exactly the way the "Another Brick on the Wall" cover was done; everything was produced, sequenced, layered and mixed via very simple, download-for-free softwares.
Even vocal recording set up was simple ie cheap karaoke mic straight to the computer' on-board sound device (in other words, BUDGET). The only other live instrument being the guitars, contributed by Wesley Choo of E.P.I.C, played through a multi-fx rack device of which details were not available to me.
What makes "Catastrophe" and "Streaks" different, and even MORE difficult to do is that both songs were made to replace two popular and well recognised tracks. These two songs were used in two very significant scenes, which pretty much sets the tone and direction for the film. The two songs are:
1) "Bullet in Your Head" by Rage Against the Machine, and
2) "Sweet Dreams", Marilyn Manson's cover of the classic Eurythmic track.
(Btw, both these tracks appear in the extremely rare director's cut VCD. Less than 100 of these are made, so if you are one of the lucky few to own it, you have a very priced possession ;-))
One of the biggest issues that we encountered is the fact that reediting the sequence of the shots has become a non-option; by the time we had finished our director's cut version of the film, the system we used for editing is no longer available to us. Putting in a totally different track would endanger the scenes by rendering them grotesque; the music would have the danger of not matching the visuals, and vice versa.
That puts us into very tight constraints and options. Basically, to replace the above mentioned tracks, the new tracks have to meet the following criteria:
1) They had to encapsulate the same spirit and sound that the other two songs had.
2) They had to have the same (or almost similar) musical structure: same length for intro, verse, chorus etc, same climatic peaks, same sound dynamics, and even the same length of songs.
3) They have to be songs that are easy to get copyrights (the reason for replacing the mentioned songs in the first place), or,
4) If composed from scratch, they basically have to sound similar, yet original enough for them to stand on their own and give us the least amount of trouble (if any).

It took us an extra year to have both tracks completed and added to the final version of e' Tzaintes, which we consider as a miracle owing to the fact that we, being complete amateurs in film and music, had to contend with really huge obstacles. However, all that effort was worth the resultant euphoria that we experienced when we watch the finished product.
You might be wondering right now, why so much thought and effort and stress, not to mention the time "wasted", in trying to fit in something as simple as music? Plenty of royalty free music/sound banks are available at affordable cost even back then. It would have been much simpler, wouldn't it?
The answer: Because we love music.
It is really simple to articulate, but very difficult to elaborate. Suffice to say that as how it is a certain piece of art, photography and film can evoke the responses it wants out of its audience, so can a piece of music.
In this case, that ability to evoke response has become a MUST. e' Tzaintes is a raw, brash and rebellious film, hence sounds that sits in the background is just not an option. Instead, the music had to be just as raw, brash and rebellious and it has to be able to take the front seat, yet compliments the film well enough so as to not overshadow it.
(In fact, our philosophy on the importance of sound and music in our film spills over to our post-Tzaintes project, "A Wicked Tale", which hopefully will be addressed in a future blog entry.)
Even now, with almost 10 years after INRI studio was first formed, somethings really haven't changed. We still make or plan to make not-so-Singapore projects, we still love our music, we still find ways to provoke your senses and open your mind. With the upcoming double screening in less than 2 weeks away, we are about to fill our mighty pens again to scribe the another chapter.
To you, it might be just another event. To us, it's another conquest.
See you at Sinema Old School. (Armen)
Comes with a new quote:

Presenting the ultra-dude TZAINTES T-shirt with the kick-ass quote at the back. $25 each. (T-shirt designed by writer/creator Tzang Merwyn Tong)
To pre-order email
With name, size (S/M/L) and contact number.

Also available in 'bad girl' sizes. $25 each.
To pre-order email
With name, size (S/M) and contact number.
Support the campaign. Fly the flag.

He did it. I didn't want to like him but he did it. He stole the show and he fuckin' stole the role too. It's him now. He IS The Joker. Not Jack Nicholson. But a 1979er tragic hero. to be worshipped alongside Brandon Lee and the many rockstar types who died at 27/28. Speaking of Brandon Lee, it's precisely why i didn't want to like the man named Heath Ledger. The make up is too Crow-like and the death is too untimely. I felt too obligated to make that sickening connection and I didn't want to jump on he bandwagon to sympathize with him amidst the obvious cult-potential. I told a friend at that time, that I felt nothing for Heath when he died. It's not a loss to the film world, I said. I felt then that the Ledger-guy has yet to prove himself.
Watchin' his performance as The Joker today made me want to eat my words. It was a maniacal performance. Uncompromising at many levels...and yes, maniacal. a nihilist. a bombmaker. a master manipulator who likes to play god. a showman. While Batman looks contrived as mr reluctant saint, aka, the justice soldier- gadget yuppie- wannabe-emo-outcast, Joker recklessly triumphs over with his fiercely defiant portrayal of a sick freak with nothing to loose. Reminds me of those wrestling characters who play mind games, only tighter, darker and more thought-out. And ofcoz, the luxury to bathe in the power and glory of cinema, good thing the role wasn't wasted on him.
Well done. i'm sad now knowing that I'll never see another performance from this young actor again. Why Ledger why? Meet Dean. Morrison. Cobain. Tupac. Rhoads. Vicious. Phoenix and Lee. I'm sure you all have lots to talk about. (Tzang M)

Download the second track from e' TZAINTES OST online release here:
feat. Wesley Choo of E.P.I.C
Music and lyrics by Armen Rizal Rahman
Like this yall! Yeah. Stop.
Stop. Coz, I'll be coming up and go.
Hell of a fury. In this one man show.
My inside's playing more possum than the dead.
My microphone's untouchable like Elliot Ness.
The irony kills me. Now with a gun to my head.
Try to pull the trigger but the chamber is dead.
I'm regreting my life and all that's past.
The future is here, but it's going too fast!
Inches by inches. Inches grow to a mile.
A mile down the road and you can rest for a while.
But inches by inches are inches off course.
Try to rally like an unstoppable force!
And I take the backseat while my driver is blind.
On a one way street, we cross the middle line.
Crash at the junction with mere inches to go.
The fury's building up and then you explode!
Mistakes! Mistakes!
I free myself!
Wait. Wait for the next catastrophe to come.
To place to hide. We die so come and get some.
Belong to a unit. A place you call home.
Belong to another, or walk on alone.
Down the streets in an alley or up the avenue.
And regret your inability to start something new.
So you thought you could take it.
But you kept your head down.
Walking alone and find yourself amidst a ghost town.
Curiosity be killed by the light.
So quench your thirst, while there is still a night life.
Drunk in the back seat while your driver is blind.
On a one way street forget the middle line.
Your headlights are fading. You can't see in the dark.
Your taillights are faulty. And now you're throwing sparks.
Crash at the junction with mere inches to go.
The fury's building up and then you explode!
Mistakes! Mistakes!
I free myself!
Mistakes! Mistakes!
I free myself!
Mistakes! Mistakes!
I free myself!
It's going to be a night of decadence and wicked fun when INRI studio joins forces with Beat! for a themed night party @ Home Club. It's going to be christened the TZAINTES NOT DEAD Party in tribute to the spirit in which e'TZAINTES was made in 1999 - a film about the underdog made in the spirit of the underdog... by teenage amateurs... in true guerilla fashion.
Back then, we're just ordinary 19 year old teenagers who refused to be put down by what we do not know and cannot do. With neither technical experience nor professional knowledge, we wanted to make a film ... and honestly, it's is our reckless-ness, stupidity and ignorance about the whole filmmaking affair that got us this far.
This TZAINTES NOT DEAD party will mark the launch of the [e'TZAINTES] + A WICKED TALE screenings at Sinema Old School. Celebrating the spirit in which the films were made, with a salute to punk, goth, glam, rock!
Be ready for a wicked and decadent Friday night next month on August 15.
Set to be curated by the illustrious Beat!
The unadulterated version of Another Brick on the Wall, a Pink Floyd cover by Ubermench (now known as The House of Anonymous) featuring Wesley Choo and Bernie Chia (E.P.I.C.).
I remembered back in 1997, a lecturer of mine gave a comment to the class about the MTV culture:
"The eyes are the windows to the soul. Music soothes the savage beast. MTV combines these two philosophies as a package for the senses".
It is with this philosophical culture that we created what we created: Tzang serves his pallette of artistry through his stories, told through the visual/verbal canvas that is his films. As the music producer of INRI Studio, I support his art through my own form of expression: music. You can see (or in this case, hear) my contributions in the two films of INRI Studio, in which I was the executive music producer for both films.
Apart from that, I founded and spearheads my own personal musical/artistic front: The House of anonymous, which gave me a chance to express myself through my art, and the opportunity to work with some of the most talented individuals in the local music scene.
But as with any story, there is always the humble beginning.
It was at a time when we were neck deep in the editing for e' Tzaintes. It was also the time that I had only started dabbling into audio editing, prior to shooting the film, so my knowledge and skills with music was amateur at best. It was then that Tzang introduced me the song that sets the direction to the music of e' Tzaintes: Pink Floyd's Another Brick in the Wall.
The ambient-like instrumental soundscape, as well as the lyrical words of rebel energy, and the massive chant of children singing, "We don't need no education" truly captured the essence of what we wanted Tzaintes to be. I was inspired. I started working on something, mucking about through trial and error, using softwares that are freely available over the net. I didn't quite know what to make of it at first (again, I had never actually produced an actual musical track before), but I knew at the back of my mind I had one purpose: to make a cover of this, or perhaps pull of something similar.

Through that trial and error method, I managed to create a synth based loop, and started building up layers from there, adding synth drum tracks to the synth loop and laying a rough vocal recording on top of it. But it still had missing ingredients in it, so Tzang introduced me to Wesley Teo, former bassist for the band Optical Brothers/current E.P.I.C.
Fast forward a weeks later, and Wesley and I were laying down the bass and guitar tracks for our Pink Floyd cover. We also enlisted the help of Optical Brothers/E.P.I.C's lead guitarist, Bernie, for all the driven guitar and lead guitar works. After which I had the separate tracks remixed again, which saw the finished production of our cover of Pink Floyd's Another Brick in the Wall (Part 2).
It was never put into the actual film, of course, because of copyrights, but it did set off a momentum for the next two tracks that will become the first original tracks by INRI studio: Catastrophe and Streaks.
What made this track an important part of the whole scheme of things was that it is produced in the same vibe as e'Tzaintes (as how Catastrophe and Streaks was done): without technical knowledge, without experience, without budget, but with a whole lot of spirit.
And today... INRI Studio is sharing this experience with you.
We have decided to have an online release the three tracks of e'Tzaintes to commemorate the upcoming double-screening on August 16 at Sinema Old School. These tracks will be release one by one, over the period leading up to the screening. We decided not to clean up the mixing for the tracks, because that would only destroy the character that makes these tracks special to us, so we are presenting them to you in their unadulterated form.
For those who have been there since day one, this is our way to thank you for your support.
For those who just knew about us, welcome to the madness and magic that is INRI.
Yours truly,
Co-founder, music and audio experimentalist